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“Divorce Day” Reporting Should Refocus on Finding Solutions

Although some have claimed that the start of January, or the third Monday in January is the busiest day for law firms regarding divorce, the family charity, Resolution, has stated that they have little evidence to support such a statement.

Calls for Modernisation of Divorce Law

Experts have called for MPs to back the No Fault Divorce Bill when it receives its second reading in March. Attitudes to marriage in the UK has changed significantly with almost 50% of all divorces ending in divorce.

Too Many Couples are in Distressed Relationships

As many as 2.87 million people across the UK are living in relationships which would be described within clinical practice as distressed, according a new study by relationship charity Relate. This amounts to 18% of married or cohabiting couples and 1.4 million UK families.

Celebrity Prenuptial Agreements Hit the Headlines

The lives of celebrities, and in particular their marriages and divorces, are a popular source of news stories for many media outlets, and any report of an imminent wedding or relationship split is often accompanied by speculation over whether or not the couple had signed a prenuptial agreement.

Divorce Comes Under the Media Spotlight

A number of interesting divorce stories have been reported in the media recently.

Research Reveals Impact of Divorce on the Over 50s

The latest statistics on divorce from the Office for National Statistics revealed that despite an overall drop in the number of divorces, the numbers divorcing in the over-50 age group have actually risen over the past decade.

Woman Awarded Settlement of £53 Million from Billionaire Ex

A former model, who was seeking £196 million as a divorce settlement from her ex-husband, has been awarded £53 million by the High Court in London, reports the BBC. When her own assets are added they bring the total settlement amount to around £75 million.

Division of Labour Related to Risk of Divorce

According to a recent study from the US, financial factors such as a wife’s ability to support herself are not necessarily predictive of divorce. Instead, it is couples’ division of labour that is associated with the risk of divorce.    

Summer Holidays can put a Strain on Relationships

The summer holidays can be a stressful time for families, putting additional strain on relationships that might already be troubled.

Agreeing Pension Separation in Divorce

New analysis has shown that private pension wealth is the biggest component of household wealth in the UK, and has highlighted how important it is that this wealth is separated fairly in the event of divorce for the future financial well-being of both parties.

Celebrity Couples See Divorces Finalised

Celebrity relationships frequently attract a great deal of media attention, with much rumour and speculation over whether these relationships are happy or whether they appear to be heading to the divorce court.

Research into Factors Influencing Relationship Success

A number of different research projects have recently been conducted into factors that can affect the success of a relationship and influence the risk of divorce.

Continued Rise in ‘Grey Divorce’ Numbers

The upward trend in the number of ‘grey divorces’ appears to be continuing, according to a new survey from the United States.

Work Pressures Can Damage Relationships

Relationships are coming under increasing pressure in the UK because of an expectation by employers that work should be the top priority for their employees.

Figures Reveal Fall in Divorce Numbers

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed a fall in the number of divorces that took place in England and Wales during 2014.

Possibility of Divorce Affects Inheritance Planning

As many as one in three parents are apparently reluctant to leave an inheritance to their married children, because they fear the relationship will end in divorce and ultimately result in assets leaving the immediate family.

Decisions Reached in High Profile Divorce Cases

A great many divorce cases make their way through the British family courts each year, with the vast majority attracting little or no attention from the media.

Couples Use Prenuptial Agreements to Cover Pet Custody Issues

New research from Direct Line Pet Insurance has revealed that as many as 28% of people would consider putting a prenuptial agreement in place to cover custody of their pets in the event that a relationship breaks down.

Poor Communication can be Detrimental to Relationships

A new piece of research has given an interesting insight into the most common reasons why marriages or cohabiting relationships breakdown.

Judge Gives Ruling on Millionaire Couple's Divorce Settlement

A high court judge in London has recently given his decision in the long-running divorce dispute between millionaire couple Khoo Kay Peng and Pauline Chai, reports the Guardian.

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