By Richard Gregorian on Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Category: Family Law

What we can do for you

As an expert family law solicitors based in Guildford, we have many years of expertise in this field of law and are best placed to help you and your family with any issues you may be currently experiencing.

The area of family law covers a broad spectrum of situations and is designed to lay out and protect both the rights and responsibilities of each family member.  It is used as a framework to achieve both fair, reasonable and honest results in each case, irrespective of whether the family members are adults or children.

Family members will be classed as individuals who are related by blood or marriage, although it can also be used in cases with more distant relationships also.

Our experienced family lawyers are able to help with all aspects of family law, including:

We are also available to help with issues of domestic abuse.  Many people think this just pertains to situations within a relationship (either past or present) but it also extends to the wider family, i.e. if you have concerns or issues with an elderly relative in care, a housemate or someone you are dating.  If there are allegations of abuse we can help to facilitate a restraining order to prevent future contact.

One of the main issues we deal with here at Gregorian Emerson Family Law Solicitors is around child custody.  As parents we should all want what is best for our children, however unfortunately if the parents have separated or divorced their views on what they consider to be in the child’s best interests is often quite different and can be masked by personal feelings of negativity towards the other parent.  We can help arrange mediation and using our unique combined legal and psychological approach we have proven results in enabling both parents to engage in open and non-combative discussions to put in place mutually agreeable arrangements without hostility.  These meetings take place in a calm and peaceful environment and give each party the opportunity to speak in an open situation, without raised voices and arguments.  Engaging in mediation in this way helps to resolve matters swiftly between you both, without unnecessary arguments and acrimony and will also help you to communicate effectively for the future, without reverting back to hostility and a combative attitude.  Our priority is, and always will be, to help you avoid conflict, especially if there are children involved.  We will always encourage dialogue where it is appropriate and will be pro-active in negotiation in an attempt to resolve matters in a way that will save you time, money and stress.  This joint legal and psychological approach has consistently resulted in early settlement in our clients' favour, thereby saving you costs.  We appreciate that these negotiations will only lead to agreement if both parties are willing to co-operate and engage in the discussions in an open and honest manner.  Where an agreement cannot be reached, then the court process will need to be followed to resolve the issues and we will be there throughout this process and give you expert, clear advice at each stage.  We aim to achieve the best possible outcome for each of our clients.

Here at Gregorian Emerson Family Law Solicitors we care about each and every one of our clients and we will always treat you as an individual.  After all, your situation is personal to you, so we will always listen and give clear and practical guidance, that’s right for you.  We will never assume the details of your case and will always work to achieve a result that is right for you.  Ensuring you have the right legal representation is so important, as family law evolves at such a high speed and it is important to have an experienced solicitor in this field.  Without one you can find yourself vulnerable and unknowingly waiving away your legal rights.  We will always make sure you understand all your options before you have to make any legally binding decisions.  We will also make sure you understand any ramifications further down the road, even years later, as a result of any decisions you make today.  With many years of experience in this field of law we are the best placed family law solicitors Guildford to help you with your unique situation.

We understand just how stressful a relationship breakdown and/or a subsequent divorce can be, indeed many people have compared the situations to bereavement and we fully appreciate that dealing with issues arising from the end of a relationship can be extremely upsetting and emotional.  We will ensure that you have a family lawyer with extensive experience and who will professionally and efficiently guide you through the whole process.

Using our unique legal and psychological approach our aim is to, where possible, encourage and facilitate conversations between both parties in a non-combative and peaceful environment.

You will find us to be friendly, professional and thorough in liaising with you about your family law situation.  We will gain a thorough understanding of the details important to you and will guide and support you throughout the process. We will keep you fully informed of the details at all times.

Our experienced family lawyers have earned an enviable reputation for achieving excellent results on behalf of our clients and have a wide area of expertise in dealing with all the complex issues surrounding family law. We aim to avoid a lengthy and costly case at this time of heightened emotions and will always act with your best interests at heart.

Gregorian Emerson Family Law Solicitors are expert family law solicitors in Guildford, Surrey who have proudly been helping individuals and families for many years to achieve positive and favourable solutions to their family law matters.

If you would like to speak with one of our specialist family law solicitors Guildford please call us on 01483 826470

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