01483 826 470


Family Law

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Issues of domestic violence

Issues of domestic violence

In the unfortunate event you find yourself as a victim of domestic violence, then our team of experienced Family lawyers in Guildford can immediately help to protect both you and your family from harm.  We believe that every single person, irrespective of sex, colour, religion etc. has the right to live without fear for their safety from anyone.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence does not cover just physical violence alone. It covers any behaviour, of which the purpose is, to gain power or control over a partner, spouse, girl/boyfriend or family member.  Domestic violence can be any incident, or multiple incidents, of controlling, threatening, violent, coercive (a pattern of intimidation,degradation, isolation and control with the use, or threat, of physical or sexual violence) or any degrading behaviours, which includes sexual violence.  In the vast majority of cases this will be within a relationship environment and carried out by a current partner or by an ex-partner, but can also be perpetuated by family members or carers.  Domestic abuse can also include, financial abuse, harassment or stalking, emotional abuse, or online/digital abuse.  It is a sad statistic that women are far more likely to experience incidents of domestic abuse than men.  However there are also cases, where by the very nature of the abuse, men will feel unable to take action against the perpetrator, as they feel demasculated and somehow weak for being a victim.  If you are on the receiving end of domestic abuse, whether male or female, you have the right to take action to keep yourself and your family free from harm -there is absolutely NO shame in seeking help.   Domestic abuse also includes family violence, with such abuses as forced marriage, female genital mutilation, or so called 'honour crimes,' all of which are illegal here in the UK.  These types of abuse will often involve several perpetrators, usually close family members, therefore making it extremely difficult for the victim to report.  Domestic violence can happen to anyone irrespective of their colour, religion, sexuality, class or race and anyone experiencing it is advised to seek help urgently from a Family lawyers in Guildford  Everyone has the right to live without fear for their safety from anyone.

There are four main areas of domestic abuse, detailed below and if you feel you can answer 'yes' to one or more of the questions then you may well be in an abusive relationship.

Emotional abuse, does your partner ever;
Accuse you of flirting?
Isolate you from your friends and family?
Put you down or belittle you?
Stop you from going out to work or study?
Tell you who you can/cannot see?
Tell you what you can/cannot wear?
Blame you for the abuse, or deny it is happening altogether?
Control YOUR money and not give you enough to purchase essential items?

Threats and intimidation, does your partner ever;
Harass or follow you?
Threaten to kill, hurt or maim you in some way?
Read your emails, texts,letters or any other correspondence?
Deliberately destroy things that belong to you?
Threaten to kill themselves, or your children?
Invades your personal space constantly, by standing over you etc?

Physical abuse, does your partner ever;
Physically restrain you in any way?
Throw things either at you, or in general?
Slap, punch or hit you?
Push you around physically?

Sexual abuse, does your partner ever;
Pressure you to have sex?
Hurt you during sex?
Make unwanted sexual demands?
Pressure you to have unsafe sex, i.e. not using protection?
Touch you in a way you do not want to be touched?

The above questions are NOT exhaustive and if you ever feel afraid of your partner, or change your behaviour because you are worried about how they will behave, then you may well be in an abusive relationship and should seek help.

If you find yourself as a victim of domestic violence or abuse, then our experienced team of Family lawyers here at Gregorian Emerson Family Law Solicitors can help to protect both you and your family.  You will always find us both sensitive and understanding when dealing with your situation.  We have extensive experience and knowledge in the domestic violence field of law and have handled a wide range of domestic abuse cases over the years, so you will find us knowledgeable, sensitive and professional when dealing with your personal case.  We aim to resolve your situation as swiftly as possible.  Rest assured you will not have to go through this alone - we will be with you every step of the way and will ensure you know all options and choices open to you, prior to you having to make any legally binding decisions. 

There are many ways our team of Family lawyers Guildford can help you. These can include, but are not limited to:
Working with you to protect your children from harm.
Applying for a court order to stop a person coming near to or entering your home.
Applying to the court for an order to protect you from violence, the threat of violence, or harassment.
Arranging a divorce from an abusive or violent partner.
Resolving any financial issuesIf you do not wish to deal with your partner directly yourself, then we can act on your behalf and negotiate your financial affairs and your childcare arrangements for you.

All our dealings with you are confidential, so you can speak to us openly and honestly about all aspects of your case.  We aim to ensure both you and your family are able to move forward in a safe environment, without fear for your safety.  We will always put YOU first and be on hand to help put you in touch with other agencies, or organisations, who specialise in domestic violence and can help you with ongoing guidance and support. 

PLEASE do not suffer alone - contact us today to let us help you to be free of an abusive relationship.

For any Family law Guildford domestic violence or abuse questions you may have, please call us on 01483 826 470 and let us  help you TODAY.

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