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Through his experience as a solicitor and equity partner in leading City of London commercial law firms, and successful involvement in all aspects of his own international matrimonial litigation, it became clear to him that the practise of family law would benefit from both the application of a psychological skill set (reflecting the underlying "subject-matter" of family law: individuals with their own psychological make-up, decision-making and coping strategies) and the very high levels of service demanded by commercial law clients.

The very successful outcomes enjoyed in his own litigation with the assistance of Gavin Emerson are now being replicated (and, indeed, exceeded) time and again for his own clients, confirming the merit of such a unique joint legal-psychological blueprint and the importance of an empathetic child-centric approach that can only come from personal experience.

The Importance of Non-Legal Skills in "Private Law" Disputes Relating to Children, Including International Relocation ("Leave to Remove") Cases

Richard Gregorian
Gavin Emerson

An article by Richard Gregorian, principal of Gregorian Emerson Family Law Solicitors (www.gelaw.co.uk) and Gavin Emerson, Brief Strategic Therapist.

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